Geoff Leatham

[email protected]

Welcome to the site. It is still under construction but all information provided is accurate. Thanks for looking!


Hello and welcome to my site. My name is Geoff Leatham. I am a full-time Linux Admin who gets lucky enough to do some development work from time to time and a part-time filmmaker.

I started my IT career in 2014 working as a Web Advisor. I was fortunate to get my first real taste of Linux there and quickly became hooked. After working there for less than a year I was laid off along with the rest of the staff in Utah as they were moving their operations to Arizona.

After that I took a job doing desktop support working for a government contractor supporting the VA. I worked there for about a year until it was announced that they were losing the contract and everyone was getting laid off. After being laid off from two different tech jobs I decided to take a chance and do freelance video production work.

After varying degrees of success I realized that it wasn't the right time for me to be relying on freelance gigs in a very competitive and volatile industry. I began working in IT again for another web hosting company. During all of this time I never stopped tinkering with Linux and that led me to a role as a Jr Linux Admin. I was able to quickly work my way up the ranks and I am currently working as a Sr. Linux Admin.